Getting to Know...
Age: 19
Role within the group: Ellsz is a Rapper/ Poet in the Present Minds movement.
Background: At a young age he found himself in and out of school because he says; and I quote, he had 'A problem with authority' during secondary school he found that he had a very creative mind and every creative art he put his mind to , he excelled in.
Question Time...What made you start Rapping?
"Music stood out for me as it was a place where I found comfort , I could pick up things easily , instruments , rhythms and it gave me a way to vent out my emotions in art form."
What are your Current Pursuits?
"In 2015 I aims to develop my understanding on music and instruments further and broaden the arisen for myself and the PM collective.
In addition to that I also learning more about spirituality and obtaining a more conscious mind
Looking into the history of rap and the culture of hip hop"
What inspires you to continue Rapping?
"My everyday life inspires me to write, circumstances, situations, encounters etc. But my family inspire me the most; my mother Sonia Smith & my sister Christina (ChrissieFizz) the positive energy and support from the both of them is kind of what keeps me going, not to mention my team PM"
What do you Feel you Bring to the Group?
"The people I work alongside are so talented they inspire me to progress , we keep a healthy competition between us which forces up to remain at the top of our game."
What is the best thing about being in Present Minds?
"The best thing about being a part of Present Minds is watching my team grow and progress."
Signed: Present Minds
Instagram: @presentminds
Twitter: @Presentminded_